Four women model prom dressesProm season shopping is soon approaching, and Lincoln Formal Dress Boutique is preparing by stocking the store with several new dresses. We really believe you will like what you see.

Since the season starts in January, we will implement a shopping policy. Shoppers will be required to make an appointment to shop for prom dresses. This is for two reasons: to limit the number of people in the store at one time and to make the shopping experience more enjoyable. There are several ways for you to make your appointment.

First, we will be putting links to an appointment process system on our website and on our Facebook page. Simply go there, click the button and set your appointment. You also can call us at 531-254-5752 during business hours. We will be happy to schedule an appointment over the phone. Lastly, you can stop in the boutique and make your appointment in person.

Here are the plans for appointment shopping. Each appointment will be for 60 minutes. Granted, there have been some shoppers who take longer than that to find their perfect dress. We will do our best to accommodate those shoppers. But, if possible, try to limit your appointment to 60 minutes. Appointments will be scheduled every 30 minutes. So, for example, the first shopper will show up at 1 p.m. and have 60 minutes. The second shopper will come at 1:30 and have 60 minutes. So there will be some overlap, which is fine. We can accommodate more than one shopper at a time. We just don’t want three, four or more shopping groups at the same time. This is for several reasons. First, we want to keep the number in the store at one time lower for health reasons. Secondly, it is more fun to shop if there aren’t a lot of other people in your way. So the experience will be more enjoyable. Thirdly, we only have three dressing rooms.

We are looking forward to prom shopping season with great anticipation. Hoping to see you soon in shopping for your prom dress.